Leadership Development
Carried out Leadership Development for Middle level Managers of a German Multinational Company in the Automobile IT sector for 16 years .The Organisation had made this Programme as one of the requirements for promotion to the next level in the Organisational Hierarchy. The target audience consisted of Project Leaders and Project Managers with work experience of 5 to 15 years . The interventions consisted of 3 days residential workshops in semi-structured format with a combination of experiential learning and pedagogic inputs and use of psychological questionnaires and their interpretations. These also included peer feedback sessions and feedback from the consultants. The journey of the participants consisted of movement from ‘Self’ to ‘Team working & Building skills’, experiencing and handling Conflicts and Managing them and Leadership on Practicing Plane’. These workshops were carried out every alternate months from 1998 to 2014.Each workshop consisted of an average of 22 to 26 participants , who returned a consistent , non -reactionary stage( one week after the workshop) feedback rating of a range of 1.2 to 1.8 on a scale of 5 with excellent grading rated between 2 and 1.
Organisational Integration
Carried out Organisational Integration work for an Indian Product company in the Telecom industry during the period 2006-2008.Carried out a five days residential workshop for the CEO and his direct reports , followed by four days workshops for integrated vertical and horizontal lower levels . The 16 workshops with an average intake of 20 delegates provided exposure to hither to fore unknown experiences and insights about the untapped potential in the delegates. The journey was a mix of outdoor experiences as well as indoor sessions. These workshops included peer feedback sessions and feedback from the consultants.
Team /Department Specific Need based Workshops
Carried out half a dozen workshops for a German MNC with German front ends and Indian back end associates for ironing out time and stake critical perceptional and communication barriers and prejudices . The foreigners used to be flown into India and the consultant was tasked to interact with the foreigners and the Indians separately and then revert to the HR and Line heads / managers and jointly draw out the objectives and interventional methods and tools and carryout the workshops of two to three days . These workshops were a mix of outdoor experiences in wilderness as well as indoor sessions and included peer feedback sessions and feedback from the consultants. These interventions were acclaimed as highly effective by the client organisation and the workshop participants.
Interventions to Smoothen out Organisational Structural Changes
Pan India interventional workshops for one of the leading Indian manufacturing Industry house(The Tata Group) when they changed over from a Hierarchical structure to a matrix structure by doing away with their regional and area managers. These workshops were of two and three days duration. The adaptations required in such changes were clear understanding of Organisational structure, culture and leadership practices and styles and linkages among them. Also Carried out Start Up Integration programmes for new verticals in the Jewelry, Eye Ware and Luxury Brand Watches. All the workshops were highly appreciated.
Murugappa Group
The manufacturing company was a loss making pioneer in the industry – a family owned enterprise consisting of 68 shop floor workers and 15 Executives and managers . The challenge was to turn around a demotivated workforce including the managerial cadre who were experiencing powerlessness and helplessness to a force imbibing self –belief and acknowledging real potential and strive for break-through results in business operations and commercials . We first discussed with the CEO and his senior management and understood the ground realities, then met a number of people in the organisation and based on their inputs, designed out-bound learning programs for three days in three batches. We took the entire shop floor workers(68) through three Experiential Learning workshops , got them to draw out their vision for the company for the next 5 years . Took all the 15 Executives and Managers through another experiential learning workshop and got them to draw out their vision for the next 5 years ,facilitated drawing out one vision from the earlier efforts, formulating an action plan and forming Change Action Team(CAT). The company not only turned around to a profit generating one but reached full production capacity with orders awaiting in queue.
Kumaramangalam Birla Group- Madura Fashions & Life Styles
Carried out Brand Specific programmes for Van Huesan , V Dot and The Collectives for their Brand Heads and their direct reports for instilling collaborative work culture ,for new possibility searches and step change results. These programmes yielded the expected results in revenue results.