Hierarchy is an existential reality, how one deals with it is a matter of individual choice.
Difficulties, setbacks and calamities are tests to be lived through for learning and development.
There is nothing called as permanent failure, final failure happens only when one stops endeavours.
We have a choice to smile and take failures & setbacks in our stride with a pinch of salt , get up and move forward or to sit , brood and cry and give up.
There is no development without taking risks; risk offers challenges .
Good relationships cannot be built without taking risks and investing in it emotionally.
It takes courage to build relationships without any guarantees.
Success will come looking for you if you engage with ingenuity/authenticity/sincerity/honesty, with 100% commitment and utter disregard to self interest.
Every one is a player in the paradox of her/his life; our performance will depend up on how well we understand and acknowledge that paradox
It is important to understand politics in the eco system without indulging in it .
One cannot hide anything by hiding one’s vulnerabilities, it takes courage to show one’s vulnerability, it endears one to people and helps one to build relationships and grow.
There is nothing called ‘Perfection’ in this imperfect world .
Keeping ‘self interest’ above the interest of the team is detrimental to the team.
Practising Leadership is like handling spaghetti, it is coagulant and amoebic in nature depending up on multifarious factors.
For effective Coaching outcomes, the coach must have ample eclectic experiences in life and work, and skills to observe and explore many things at the same time. Templated/formatted coaching interventions may not give the best outcomes.
For all ‘Here and Now’ issues, there is always a ‘There and Then’ source. Unearth the source and re-frame them to solve/modify/refine the issue.
In Mergers and Acquisitions, hurried ‘due diligence’ with an eye on pecuniary/financial advantages alone (without serious HR involvement and considerations on the psychological and behavioural dynamics) at all the three stages – ie Pre-combination, Combination and Post-combination- will in most cases derail the merger/acquisition and erode the intended benefits out of the laborious exercise.